The TPM practice test is the result of a client requesting a practice test to use in its study group process for enhancing diversity in its firefighter workforce. The client offers candidate workshops that include practice testing for feedback and to guide candidate study. We offer the TPM Practice Test to all candidates as well as to agency-sponsored study groups.
Some practice tests use only a few items that have been rejected for operational use. We at FPSI use selected items from our item bank that are comparable in quality to items that are used for candidate selection. Thus your candidates get practice on the same types of items they will encounter in the TPM test.
Because it contains sufficient items covering all chapters in the Test Preparation Manual, the practice test is a diagnostic tool, i.e., it can provide guidance to candidates on those chapters that should be given further study. In FPSI’s TPM Practice Tests, you will find ten carefully selected items from each of the chapters in the Test Preparation Manual. Needless to say, none of the items in the practice test are included in the actual TPM test.