Police Test Preparation Manual (TPM)

Police Test Preparation Manual (TPM)

The FPSI Police TPM assesses critical skills needed to succeed as an entry-level police officer. Candidates are given the Test Preparation Manual to study for 3 to 5 weeks. They are then administered a multiple-choice test measuring their acquisition and retention of the material in the Manual.


  • The TPM process is designed to address all applicable provisions of the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures and to be in accord with professional standards for tests.
  • The Test Preparation Manual is similar in format to materials read on the job and in the police academy.
  • The TPM process replicates the process applied on the job of learning information and being tested on that information.
  • It allows for educationally disadvantaged candidates to compensate by extra study, as they could on the job.
  • The use of “mini-academies” can further reduce adverse impact and test anxiety.
  • The TPM test has twice been found valid in Federal District Courts.

Would you like to preview the TPM?

Departments may preview the TPM before purchasing. Click here to order your sample today!

FPSI addresses the federal Uniform Guidelines On Employee Selection Procedures.

If you are a representative of an agency interested in upgrading your agency’s recruitment process, promotional exams, or physical ability testing, please visit our FPSI contact page.